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Concessions Cannot Be Avoided



Â«We should have courage to say that the Nagorno Karabakh problem can be
settled by means of mutual concessions and talks with the participation
of all the conflicting partiesÂ», this opinion prevailed during today’s
NA hearings on the Karabakh issue.

The NA Speaker, Foreign Minister and Albert Bazeyan, who made a
contribution to the Artsakh liberation struggle, adhered to the opinion.
Vardan Oskanyan did not explain what he means by Â«concessionsÂ».
Â«Concession should occur during the negotiations. One thing I can say
for certain, we will not cede Karabakh and jeopardize security of its
populationÂ», he said.


‘We are concerned but not afraid of Azerbaijan’s militaristic threats.
We are ready to repulse and probably the third attempt of the Azeris
will be the last oneâ€, Armenian Foreign Minster Vardan Oskanyan stated
today. He also said that the Azeris try to advance their positions at
the NKR border. In this situation conflicts can become more frequent.

Â«We are concerned over the latest statement by Aliyev, who does not
admit concessions in the settlement of the problem. This approach will
lead to no good. The Karabakh problem does not have a military
resolutionÂ», Vardan Oskanyan stated.


Today political forces of Armenia assure that Armenia has yielded the
information battle to Azerbaijan. In the words of opposition deputy
Stepan Zakaryan, even the murder of Gurgen Margaryan in Budapest was not
presented properly to the international community. Â«If the propaganda
were correct, Russian would be that the Azerbaijani, who slashed to
death a sleeping man is analogous to a Chechen soldier and Americans
would see that the Azerbaijani is like those who killed captives in
IraqÂ». Upon completion of the hearings a collection which will contain
statements and opinions will be issued.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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