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Dimitrij Rupel Too Knows Much About Karabakh



Today the meeting of the Nagorno Karabakh President Arkadi Ghoukasyan
and OSCE Chairman-in-Office Dimitrij Rupel took place. After the
meeting the OSCE Chairman-in-Office quickly said two things to the
journalists, «I think starting from this point to summer another
window has opened for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict».

The second was that the Karabakh side may possibly take part in the
negotiations. The Foreign official also said that he still has
meetings till late in the evening and after those meetings he will
tell everything.

Arkadi Ghoukasyan heard about Karabakh’s perspective to take part in
the negotiations from the journalists during the short press
conference at the end of the meeting, «If the OSCE Chairman-in-Office
has said so, then it may happen, and I’m very glad in that

Arkadi Ghoukasyan expressed preoccupation that there is no atmosphere
of mutual trust between the conflict countries. As for the preaching
for mutual hostility and hatred between Armenia and Azerbaijan, he
explained it this way, «Azerbaijan wants to convince the international
society that Armenia is an aggressor, for the settlement of the
conflict to be organized the way they want, but they will not manage
it. Ilham Aliev solves internal problems by his military

Let us remind you that this fall in Azerbaijan there will be
Parliamentary elections. There will soon be elections also in Nagorno
Karabakh. Arkadi Ghoukasyan has offered Rupel to sent OSCE observer
mission, but he has not yet received an answer.

Varosian Antranik:
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