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BAKU: OSCE chief, Azeri leaders discuss NK, parliamentary polls

OSCE chief, Azeri leaders discuss Karabakh, parliamentary polls

Space TV, Baku
2 Apr 05

[Presenter] Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Speaker Murtuz
Alasgarov have met the OSCE chairman-in-office, Dimitrij Rupel, who is
visiting Azerbaijan. Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov and the head
of the Azerbaijani community of Karabakh, Nizami Bahmanov, also had a
meeting with Rupel this morning.

[Correspondent over video of a news conference] Following the meeting,
Elmar Mammadyarov and Dimitrij Rupel held a briefing. The Slovenian
guest said that although the visit was short, the talks touched on the
main issues.

[Rupel speaking with Azeri voice-over] Our main goal is to cooperate
with each other peacefully. The main issues discussed at the meeting
with Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov were the settlement of the
Karabakh conflict and parliamentary elections to be held in autumn.
The negotiations should be continued to settle the conflict peacefully.
I have heard some interesting things here, which could help us with
the peaceful settlement of the conflict.

[Correspondent] Asked by journalists whether he said that Nagornyy
Karabakh was a disputed territory between Azerbaijan and Armenia,
Rupel declined to give a precise answer, neither confirming nor
denying it.

As for the fact that the Armenian community of Karabakh is not taking
part in the talks, Rupel said that he had already met both the
Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of Karabakh. Quote, we should
listen to various views and opinions. But we cannot change the format
of the peace process, end quote.

Mr Rupel also talked about the parliamentary elections to be held in
autumn. Quote, we should make sure that transparency and democracy are
observed in the elections. It is interesting that there are powerful
authorities and weak opposition in the country. But despite this, we
do not support any side unilaterally. We are trying to help, end

After this, the OSCE chairman-in office said that while in Armenia, he
discussed the handover of the three soldiers of our national army
taken captive by the Armenian side. He said that the Armenian
authorities promised to return them within a short period of time. But
Rupel could not say the exact time of the handover.

As for the truce violations on the front line, Mr Rupel said that this
situation was due to the lengthy peace process. This is connected with
the peace process. If the negotiating process does yield any results,
this might lead to more incidents. That’s why, meetings to achieve
peace should be continued, end quote.

Asif Aliyev, Rovsan Valiyev, Space.

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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