Press Release: Armenian Genocide keeps full attention

24 April Committee
Weesperstraat 91
NL – 2574 VS The Hague
Contact: M. Hakhverdian
Tel. 070 4490209
E-mail: [email protected]

Press Release

The implementation of motion by Rouvoet on Armenian Genocide is followed

BOT: Armenian Genocide keeps full attention

The Hague 30 March 2005 – The Federation of Armenian Organisations
in the Netherlands (FAON) follows carefully the follow up of the
motion submitted by MP Mr. Rouvoet on 21 December 2004 and adopted
unanimously by the parliament, wherein the Dutch government is
requested to bring up continuously and expressly the recognition of
the Armenian Genocide in the dialogue with Turkey. Following this
parliamentary decision the Armenian Federation had several contacts
with Members of Parliament and also with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. Members of Parliament, particularly Mr Rouvoet of Christian
Union faction, have insured us that the government will be reminded
of this issue at appropriate occasions.

The European summit on 22 and 23 March was a good occasion for the
Federation to ask once again Mr. Rouvoet to put parliamentary questions
to the government about the progress made in this field and the point
of view of the government on this matter. Accordingly on 29 March
during a debate on the results of the European meeting Mr Rouvoet
asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs about the position of the
Dutch government with respect to the motion adopted unanimously by the
Parliament. Mr Rouvoet called on the government to show determination
and to commit itself entirely that during the political dialogue with
Turkey the Armenian Genocide and in correct wording and not in terms
of the events in the period of 1915-1917, constantly and expressly
to be raised, as clearly requested in the motion.

Minister Bot insured that resolution on Armenia continues to
keep the full attention of the government and that this issue is
regularly reminded to the Turkish authorities. Regardless of the
fact that neither the Turks, nor certain number of Member States in
this context speak about the Genocide, minister Bot, however, brings
this up expressly. “We keep track of the developments in Turkey”, the
minister said. Provisional “no” against Croatia has been a good sign
for Turkey, that it is not possible to make fun of the conditions. “The
negotiations will not start if all the conditions are not met with”,
according to Bot.

Mr Rouvoet continued by asking minister Bot why Dutch embassy in Paris
had issued a notice as a result of adoption of the motion concerning
the Armenian Genocide, that an official recognition was out of question
and that this would still possibly happen later? The minister answered,
that he will examine this matter as he was not aware of it.

The other Members of Parliament, cosignatories of the motion
on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, when asked by the
Armenian Federation, have indicated, that although the parliamentary
questions was presented by Mr Rouvoet who had submitted the motion,
they reflected the opinion of the other factions in the Parliament.

This month in the whole world the commemoration of 90th anniversary
of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire takes place. In this
respect the 24 April committee of the Armenian Federation organises a
range of activities, among which a commemoration concert on 17 April
at 14.00 in the Pieterskerk in Leiden. Armenian classical music will
be played by Armenian and Dutch musicians. Also there is an exhibition
on the Armenian Genocide in the Pieterskerk in Leiden from 17 to 21
April. On 24 April the annual laying of wreaths and ceremony for the
commemoration of 1.5 the million victims of the Armenian Genocide
will take place at the Armenian monument in Assen and commemoration
in the auditorium with speakers and Armenian music.