The Armenians Of Georgia Do Not Want To Assimilate



«The discriminatory policy of the authorities in the field of
educational, cultural, language and religious rights of National
Minorities or the ignorance of these rights can harm the international
reputation of Georgia and the development of democracy in the
country», this was the concern expressed in the resolution adopted in
the second summit «Integration but not assimilation» in Akhalqalaq.

It is also introduced in the resolution what the Armenians of Georgia
are worried about, «The postponing of the solution of accumulated
problems can create new tension. The tension is increased still more
by the hostility preached by several Mess Media and non-governmental
and governmental organizations».

According to the agency «A-info», not only representatives of the
Armenian community but also those of international organizations,
Embassies and Georgian Government took part in the summit. But not all
those invited came to the summit. Particularly, the representatives
of the Georgian Government are for the second time ignoring the

By the way, the discussion of the educational, spiritual-cultural
and language problems of the region was also in the agenda of the
Samtskhe-Javakhq non-governmental summit.

Another reason for the Armenian community of Georgia to worry was
that «although the religious peculiarities of the two nations in
Samtskhe-Javakhq do not cause conflicts, still the arguments about the
true owner of the several churches and sacred places in the region,
and the non-balanced steps of the Georgian church create ground for
unnecessary tension».

At the end of the summit a resolution was adopted in which the list of
the activities which must solve the problems of the Armenian community
in Georgia was processed.
