Our Citizens Less Interested In Constitutional Amendments


6 April 05

“Vox Populi” Sociology Center at he Electoral Systems- Center held the
second poll among the citizens of Yerevan about their awareness in
the current initiative of the constitutional amendments. The first
poll was carried out on October 6-9, 2004, while the second one was
held on April 13, this year.

In response to the question whether they will participate in the
referendum of constitutional amendments this Sunday, 19% of the
questioned answered “Yes, I will,” 22% answered “I will sooner
participate,” 39% said “I am not likely to participate,” 67% answered
“No. I will not participate,” and 53% said, “It’s hard to answer.”

During the past six months the number of the people who would
participate in the referendum decreased from 22% to 19, while the
number of the citizens that would not participate increased from 46%
to 60%.

In response to the question whether the citizens know what
constitutional amendments the political forces offer, 19% said,
“Yes,” 123% said “No” and 58% was hard to answer.

The public poll testified that though the number of the informed
people increased from 8% to 11%, this is still a low indicator. The
number of the citizens that are unaware increased to 67% during the
past six months.

By Ruzan Poghosian