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BAKU: Ambassador Of Italy In Azerbaijan Visitsed Ministry OfAgricult


[April 07, 2005, 14:46:00]

Minister of Agriculture of Azerbaijan Ismet Abasov has met the
ambassador of Italy in the country Ms. Margarita Costa.

The Minister warmly welcomed the guest, has expressed condolence
in connection with death of the head of the State of Vatican, the
outstanding personality, Pope of Rome John Paul II. The Minister has
noted, that Italy being one of the active members of the European
Union, since first day has recognized independence of Azerbaijan,
has supported the fair cause of Azerbaijan in the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The trading links between our countries
extend, the volume of commodity circulation grows, he said. Italy is
ahead among the trading partners of Azerbaijan, and this country is
one of the basic consumers of the country’s oil.

Minister of Agriculture has emphasized that visit of the President
of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev to Italy, the business forum
carried out within the framework of visit has given a new pulse to
development of links, has expressed to the ambassador gratitude for
sympathy to our country in his report on business environment in
Azerbaijan he made at the Forum.

At the meeting, discussed were questions of cooperation in agrarian
sector, necessity of coordination of joint activity. It has been
marked that the company of Azerbaijan “Gilan” and the Italian
company “Betven  TMCI Padovan” have agreed upon construction in
Gabala a cannery in budget cost of 5 million Euros. The Company of
the friendly country ” Societa Consoirza Progetto Bufala di Caserta”
carries out activity in the field of processing production of buffalo
in Azerbaijan. As a whole, 20 million Euros will be enclosed in
this branch.

Ms. Margarita Costa has thanked the Minister for warm reception and
the condolences, has expressed satisfaction with level of relations
between two countries. The ambassador has promised that during her
diplomatic activity in the country she would do every effort for
development of the Italian-Azerbaijani relations.


Tatoyan Vazgen:
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