BAKU: Azeri Speaker, CIS chief discuss Karabakh, elections

Azeri Speaker, CIS chief discuss Karabakh, elections

Space TV, Baku
6 Apr 05

[Presenter] The recent tension on the front line was the main subject
of discussion at a meeting between CIS Executive Secretary Vladimir
Rushaylo and Milli Maclis [Azerbaijani parliament] Speaker Murtuz
Alasgarov today.

[Correspondent over video of the meeting] Touching on the Nagornyy
Karabakh conflict, the Milli Maclis speaker said that opinions are
being voiced about the [OSCE] Minsk Group bringing new settlement
proposals to Azerbaijan.

[Murtuz Alasgarov] There are reports that the Minsk Group members will
come up with new proposals soon. You cannot impose them on Azerbaijan
and Armenia when one side is an aggressor and the other is a victim
of aggression. The Minsk Group itself should take the initiative in
the peaceful settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict.

[Correspondent] The speaker also told Rushaylo about the latest
frequent cease-fire violations. Alasgarov said that the problem
should be solved within the framework of international legal norms
and Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. Nagornyy Karabakh can be
granted only the highest degree of autonomy within Azerbaijan.

[Murtuz Alasgarov] Armenia should withdraw its troops from the occupied
territories. Nagornyy Karabakh can be granted the highest degree of
autonomy that our former national leader [Heydar Aliyev] spoke about
at the [1996] Lisbon summit – the highest degree of autonomy within
Azerbaijan. Refugees should return home. Azerbaijan believes that
this is the only way to resolve the Nagornyy Karabakh problem.

[Correspondent] In turn, Mr Rushaylo touched on the forthcoming
parliamentary elections and stressed that these elections will be an
important milestone in Azerbaijan’s future development.

The meeting continued behind closed doors.