World Premiere Of “Italian Symphony” By French Composer Vincent D’In


YEREVAN, APRIL 7, NOYAN TAPAN. World premiere of “Italian Symphony”
by French composer Vincent D’Indi will take place in Aram Khachatrian
concert hall of Yerevan on April 8. Aremnian Philharmonic orchestra
under Alexander Siranosian, a French Armenian Conductor will perform
the Symphony. Though works of D’Indi are greatly popular in France
but this symphony written in 1873 has been unkown to music-lovers
since today. The performance of the premiere, as A.Siranosian stated
at the April 7 press-conference, is coordinated with the composer’s
great-grandson, Christophe D’Indi. The later will arrive in Armenia for
the first time to be present at that event. “The symphony symbolizes
victory of the Christianity against the Paganism. This fact is
symbolic with the case that the symphony will be first performed
in a country which was the first to adopt Christianity,” the French
Armenian Conductor mentioned. According to A.Siranosian, in 1916, in
Sorbonne, D’Indi headed a number of concerts dedicated to the memory of
victims of the Armenian Genocide, during which some works of Komitas
were performed. D’Indi also created works based on Armenian songs,
and Armenian music was spread over all France owing to him. “Vincent
D’Indi had great sympathy with the Armenian people. He was a friend of
the Armenian people but his name is not known to Armenians. I beleive
Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia will often perform some of his works
after the premiere of “Italian Symphony”, and art-lovers will get
acquainted with his works,” Siranosian mentioned. “Symphonic Poem”
by Composer Edvard Mirzoyan will also be performed at the concert
dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. This
work was written in 1955 and was only once performed till now, in
1956. “My wish was that the concert dedicated to the Genocide goes
on with exclusive and new works,” A.Siranosian emphasized. 2006 is
announced as the year of Armenia in France. According to Alexander
Siranosian, concerts of the State Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia
will take place in a number of cities of France on his initiative.