Categories: News

‘Aeratzia’ Will Filter 300 Thousand Cubic Meter Of Sewage Daily


AZG Armenian Daily #063, 09/04/2005


As it is known, the World Bank has already confirmed its second
credit program of Yerevan’s water supply, and now “Aeratzia” station
for cleaning the town’s sewage will be renovated. The Swede SWECO
organization that won the contest to repair the station presented
yesterday its research in the strategy of sewage cleaning.

Bernt Noren, representative of the organization, said that they suggest
replacing the equipment of the 40 years old station with new equipment
matching European standards. The Swede suggest to do a mechanical
cleaning in the first phase of reconstruction. Already the first
phase will bring considerable relief to the ecology. Thanks to $25-30
million in this phase “Aeratzia”, which serves 1.3 million people,
will be able to filter 300 thousand cubic meter of sewage daily.

The second phase — biological cleaning phase — will be more expensive
and will take more time. The total sum for the two phases will reach
$70 million. Bernt Noren noted that the construction or reconstruction
of such stations may last for years.

Besides the good news of the station’s reconstruction, the Swede
expert had an unpleasant news as well. He said that the tariff for
water will raise for 25 AMD after “Aeratzia” will get functioning.

By Ara Martirosian

Harutyunian Christine:
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