Kyrgyz Chaos?


| 19:27:11 | 11-04-2005 | Politics |


«When did they implement force? They do so when people violate the order.
But I have not been an immediate participant of the incident and I wish it
did not happen», this was the answer of the Armenian Republican Party
delegate Hamlet Haroutyunyan to our question about April 12.

This was not the case for the President to resign from his post. «If the
authorities do not do anything, they do not have the right to be called
authorities. They must defend their rights; otherwise we will appear in
Kyrgyzstan’s shoes. What happened in Ukraine and Georgia? In both countries
imported revolution took place with imported money».

According to Hamlet Haroutyunyan, especially the Kyrgyzstan cases came to
prove the way the change of authorities take place in post Soviet Republics.
He is convinced that if the authorities implemented force, the Kyrgyz chaos
would rule here too.