Concessions Equal to Treason


| 15:32:39 | 14-04-2005 | Politics |


Today several women organized a press conference on behalf of the widows,
mothers and sisters of the fighters who died in the Kharabakh war. They are
displeased and concerned with recently voiced declarations concerning
«return» of liberated territories.

Gohar Karapetyan was angry with the recent statement of Defense Minister
Serzh Sarkisyan about «possible concessions for certain guarantees». «What
guarentess do they want to get from the Turks, and what will be given in
return?» ask the women. They declare that they speak on behalf of those 400
000 refugees, «real owners» of the territories. «It’s at least treason not
to take into account the sufferings, the heroic fight of Karabakh
population, and the blood they shed», say the women.

They reminded Robert Kocharyan of his pre-election programmes saying
Armenians are owners of these territories. Women do not understand «how can
Serzh Sarkisyan and Robert Kocharyan who had had certain participation in
the fight, make such declarations». The widows of the fighters noted that
if, God forbid, the war is resumed, they will be on the front line.