Goods Imported to Armenia


| 16:30:25 | 14-04-2005 | Official |


The government took note of the report of the RA government Committee on
coordination of charitable programmes concerning the implemented activities.

According to the report, in 2004 within the framework of the programmes
recognized as charitable by the committee, cargo amounting to 18,42 billion
AMD were imported to the republic from 29 countries addressing 124
organizations. 50,54% of them belonged to health care sphere, namely medical
supplies and equipment. 70.89% of the goods were imported from the USA,
5.85% from Italy, 3.8% from Germany and 3.41% from Iran.

As the report said, in particular, about 170 tons of goods amounting to 13.7
million USD were imported to Armenia through the US United Armenian
Foundation during the year.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress