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MPs Hamper NA Sessions


| 19:00:46 | 14-04-2005 | Politics |


This week the four-day work of the National Assembly was transformed into a
two-day session. It’s the second day already that Armenian MPs refuse to
work and do not constitute a quorum.

However, today progress was recorded; yesterday at the beginning of the
session only 29 deputies were registered, while today their number made up
35. Let us remind you that at least 66 out of 131 parliament members must
register at the beginning of the session in order to make up a forum.

According to the regulating law, sessions of the National Assembly are
convened once in three weeks, so only two sessions are left before the
holidays of the MPs. By the way, this week amendments to the Constitution
and the Electoral Code were to be discussed. But the deputies decided to
discuss them later.

Nargizian David:
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