NPA Leader Met With His Supporters


| 17:39:05 | 14-04-2005 | Politics |


Today leader of the National Party of Armenia (NPA) Stepan Demirchyan met
with his regional supporters in Talin. Mr. Demirchyan informed they will
often organize such meetings since any political force needs «live» contacts
with the population to conduct the right policy. Armenia needs to establish
justice and overcome the crisis of trust, said Mr. Demirchyan.

According to him, today’s authorities cynically speak about combating
corruption while in fact not a single top official has been called to
account. NPA supporters decisively declared that the current authorities
should be removed from office by force. `They should follow the example of
Kyrgyzstan’. However, the NPA leader thinks these authorities will be
removed peacefully and within the Constitution.

When asked whether the NPA will cooperate with the coalition, Stepan
Demirchyan said their party is cooperating with the people.

People also shared with Demirchyan their everyday concerns. The NPA leader
told them to present the problems in writing and promised to deal with them.