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Privatized Railroad?

AZG Armenian Daily #067, 15/04/2005



Projects of Privatization Discussed in Government

127 international and local organizations carried out benevolent and
humanitarian programs in Armenia last year, Simon Ter-Simonian, president of
Commission for Benevolent Programs’ Coordination at the RA government,
informed yesterday. Speaking of the Commission’s report of 2004 activities,
he noted that 29 countries imported to Armenia goods for more than 18
billion AMD. The USA still occupies the first place as the biggest supplier
of humanitarian aid. In particular, the United Armenian Fund of America
organized 5 flights to Armenia conveying 170 tones of goods assessing $14

Karine Kirakosian, head of the Department of State Property Management,
submitted a report on privatization of state property in 2001-2003 to the
government yesterday. 63 companies, Kirakosian says, were privatized in this
period, 48 of which were privatized being sold and 15 went through contest.
The state budget received 2.7 billion AMD and $45 million. The
Copper-Molybdenum Plant of Zangezur was privatized through a contest for
$132 million, and the state budget received $45 million. It is envisaged
that the plant will get investments of $150-200 million in near future.

Concerning the privatization of Armenian railways, Karine Kirakosian said
that the issue is being discussed from September of 2004 and a special
commission has been set for that purpose. It is possible that by the end of
the current year the commission will take a decision on conditions of the
railway’s privatization. It was noted that the railway is operating
profitably. Kirakosian also said that the privatization program of 2006-2007
is being prepared and they specify the components to be privatized.

By Ara Martirosian

Nadirian Emma:
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