4 Numbers That Shocked Liz Grande


| 14:14:56 | 15-04-2005 | Social |


The statistical brochure «Men and Women in Armenia» has been published
devoted to the 3rd of the 10 aims of the UN: to contribute to gender
equality and enhance women’s rights.

Liz Grande, UA Armenian office coordinator, was surprised by the fact that
in Armenia there are no woman region governors, no woman mayors, and there
are only several woman governing villages, while 75% of the people working
in the regions are women.

Stepan Mnatsakanyan head of the RA statistics service who was representing
the brochure mentioned the fields in which no analysis of gender statistics
is done, and the fields in the statistics investigations are not done at
all. Absence of gender analysis is mainly accounted for by the absence of
information and the non-transparency of the corresponding systems.