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FAON on open debate proposed by Erdogan

24 April Committee
Weesperstraat 91
NL – 2574 VS The Hague
Contact: M. Hakhverdian
Tel. 070 4490209
E-mail: april24committee@wanadoo.nl

Press release of the Federation of Armenian Organisations in the Netherlands
concerning the call by the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan for an “open
debate” on the Genocide of Armenians. A press release of Dutch News Agency
ANP on this subject is attached to this document.


Many question marks for “open debate” of Erdogan on Armenian Genocide

The Hague, 13 April 2005 – The announcement of Erdogan that an “open debate”
must take place on the Genocide of Armenians in 1915, calls many question
marks for the Federation of Armenian Organisations in Netherlands. There is
lacking lots of information to be able to assess how this announcement, on
the eve of the world wide commemoration of 90th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide, must be seen. So it is completely unclear how and with who the
debate must takes place and if the starting point would be the fact that the
Genocide is committed, which is as such internationally accepted by the
scientists of good name.

Probably this pronouncement must be considered as an attempt to divert the
attention from the commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide and from the accusing finger which is stuck out internationally to
Turkey, because of systematic denial of this black period of Turkey’s
history. Within the framework of the negotiations on possible accession to
the EU the denial of the past is also an unacceptable point for many EU
countries, such as France and also the Netherlands. Minister Bot has once
more insured recently the Dutch Parliament that the resolution on Armenia
(by which he means the motion of Mr Rouvoet, wherein the Dutch parliament
recognises the Armenian Genocide) continues to keep the full attention of
the government and that this point is regularly brought forward to the
Turkish authorities. Apart from the fact that neither by the Turks, nor by a
number of Member States is spoken in this respect about the Genocide,
Minister Bot has, however, brought this matter with emphasis under the
attention. “We keep track of the developments in Turkey”, the Minister said.
Provisional “no” against Croatia has been a good sign for Turkey, that it is
not possible to play with the conditions. “The negotiations will not start
if all conditions are not met with”, according to Bot.

By announcing an “open debate” or a “history research”, the impression is
awoken that the Genocide is no longer denied, thereby bushing up
international criticism. From the wording of such announcement one cannot
however make up that there is any real progress, like in this notice, in
which Erdogan says that he is not worried about the outcome of the debate.
Although the latter is obvious towards the Turkish population, who never has
got information about the real history, one should be sceptical about the
intentions of the discussion and the research.

The Federation notes finally, that if Erdogan really would want to do a
gesture towards the Armenians (and to the EU), he could have simply, on the
eve of the commemoration, recognised the Genocide. This is however not the
case. The Federation, that welcomes each step forward in this sensitive
matter, hopes that Erdogan will come shortly, however, with such a brake
through. Then it will be possible to normalise the relations with the
neighbouring country Armenia, with whom Turkey keeps it borders closed and
does not wish to establish diplomatic relations and thereby gradually will
start the reconciliation process between the two nations.

Also in the Netherlands, where the parliament has recognised the Armenian
genocide on 21 December 2004, the commemoration of 90th anniversary of the
Genocide will take place. Among others there will be a commemoration concert
coming Sunday afternoon (April 17) in the Pieterskerk cathedral in Leiden as
well as an exhibition on the Armenian Genocide from April 17 till April 21
in the same place.

On April 24, after a church service in the Armenian church in Amsterdam, a
commemoration meeting will take place at 3 p.m. at the Armenian Genocide
monument in Assen.

Contributors to the commemoration are. Prof. Dr. J. Th. M. Houwink ten Cate
– holocaust and genocide institute Amsterdam, Seth Gaaikema – comedian and
text writer, Farah Karimi – Dutch MP, René Diekstra – psychology professor
and others.

The Armenian classical music will be played by Vahé Hovhannesian – duduk;
Vazgen Pirdjanian – Komitas string Quartet; Ruzanna Nahapetjan – soprano;
Ruzanna Hakopian – canon; Hambardzum Sahakian – declamation and Nicolai
Romashuk jr. – duduk.

Federation of Armenian Organisations in the Netherlands (FAON)
24 April committee


Turkish premier wants debate on Genocide of Armenians

ANKARA (DUTCH PRESS AGENCY/DPA) – The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdogan has called up Wednesday to an “open debate” on the Genocide of
Armenians at the beginning of the 20th century. Erdogan said against members
of its party for justice and development that Turkey is not afraid of its

The call comes short before Armenians in the whole world commemorate that
the extremely cruel attempt of carrying out the Genocide in the Ottoman
Empire started on 24 April 1915 with the assassination of prominent
Armenians in Istanbul, then the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Most of the
Armenians in the Empire did not survive the ethnic purification which was
committed against them.

After the collapse of the Empire Turkish republic took later nearly as a
dogma that no Genocide of Armenians was committed. It was considered
unpatriotic and as treason even a suggestion of that subject.
From: Baghdasarian

Baghdasarian Karlen:
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