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Armenian Genocide commemorated in Leiden


24 April Committee
Weesperstraat 91
NL – 2574 VS The Hague
Contact: M. Hakhverdian
Tel. 070 4490209
E-mail: april24committee@wanadoo.nl



ARMENIAN FEDERATION: Recognition of Genocide is necessary for the
security of Armenians

WIM KORTENOEVEN (CIDI): Israeli position in relation to the Armenian
Genocide is incorrect

Leiden, 17 April 2005 – During the well attended commemoration concert
on 17 April in the Pieterskerk Church in Leiden on the occasion
of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Federation
of Armenian Organisations in the Netherlands (FAON) called upon the
international community, and specially Turkey to recognise the Armenian
Genocide. This in the first place to guarantee the security of the
Armenians. The Genocide cost the lives of 1.5 million Armenians. Also
other Christian minorities such as thousands of Assyrians were victims
of the atrocities by the Young Turk regime during the WO I. The
Armenian genocide is still a hot item because of the Turkish denial.

These days the necessity of recognition of the past by Turkey is
often discussed within the framework of Turkey¹s ambition to become
a member of the European Union, but one must never forget why this
recognition is in the first instance necessary. That is to prevent
the recurrence. As long as in Turkey the history is not accepted,
the danger remains that it will again lead to tragedies.

Recognition and commemoration were main issues of this impressive
commemoration with lots of classical Armenian music, whereby in
addition several speakers addressed the audience. From the scientific
community the director of the Institute of Holocaust and Genocide
Studies Dr. Houwink ten Cate underlined the importance of education
and impartial research. In a personally tinted story and using one
of his poems Dutch comedian Seth Gaaikema (who is of Armenian decent)
indicated his solidarity with the destiny of the Armenian people and
of all nations that became victim of the atrocities of genocide. The
Chairman of the Council of Churches of the Netherlands, Mr. Ton van
Eijk declared support of the Council of Churches and indicated that the
World Council of Churches called upon all churches to pray on Sunday
24 April in their churches for the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian
Genocide. Mr. Wim Kortenoeven of the CIDI (Centre Information and
Documentation on Israel) spoke with remarkable clarity about the need
of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. He criticised the Israeli
position in relation with the Armenian Genocide, which is based on the
purpose to not endanger the relations with Ankara. According to him
this policy is particularly incorrect, because the Jewish and Armenian
people has the same fate, both being victim of a genocide. Also there
were speeches of the consul of Armenia in the Benelux countries
Mrs. Hasmik Soghomonian and the priest of the Armenian church in
Amsterdam, father Datav vardapet Muradian.

Many visitors were very impressed by the exhibition on the Armenian
Genocide coming from Information and Documentation Centre Armenia of
Berlin. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Armenologist professor
Dr. J. Weitenberg and which can be still visited till 21 April in
the Pieterskerk church in Leiden (daily from 1:30 to 5 pm).


Virabian Jhanna:
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