Israel Denies Armenian Genocide Due To Friendship With Turkey


Pan Armenian News
18.04.2005 05:27

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Member of the Knesset Josi Saridi published an
article titled “Israel among Holocaust Deniers”, where he condemned
Israel’s’ position on the Armenian Genocide. The author holds the
opinion that the position of official Tel-Aviv is conditioned by
friendly relations with Turkey, which denies the Genocide to avoid the
responsibility. The second reason, according to the author, is that
the acknowledgement of another Genocide will diminish the role of the
Jewish Holocaust. “The Israeli Foreign Ministry is afraid of its own
shadow thus discrediting us and becoming an associate of the world
concealment of the Armenian Genocide”, Mr. Saridi writes. He draws a
parallel between the position of Israel on the Armenian Genocide and
the repressed Tibetans. “The leader of the repressed Tibetans Dalai
Lama has twice visited Israel and I was prohibited to meet with him,
since the meeting could cause a crisis in Chinese-Israeli relations
and twice I have neglected these bans. The analogous motivation reigns
in relations with Turkey. In my opinion the moral policy wins at
last while the mean one loses”, the article says, the International
Committee for the organization of events dedicated to the Armenian
Genocide 90-th anniversary reported. To note, being one of the few
officials, who criticize the policy of the Armenian Genocide denial
pursued by Israel, Mr. Saridi, former Israeli Minister of Culture
will visit Armenia to take part in the press conference to be held
within the frames of the events dedicated Armenian Genocide 90-th
anniversary, Arminfo agency reports.