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Armenian Historians Enter New Stage Of Annihilating GenocideConseque

By Tatoul Hakobian

AZG Armenian Daily #070, 20/04/2005
Armenian Genocide

“Great Genocide. Truth and Condemnation” scientific conference
completed in a round table yesterday. Professor Nikolay Hovhanissian,
chairman of the Round Table, head of the Institute for Oriental Studies
at RA National Academy of Sciences, said that more attention should
be paid to the consequences of the Ammonia Genocide, i.e. moral,
territorial and financial as today’s Turkey will not recognize its
crime committed in 1915.

Hovhannisian stated that a large-scale movement denying the Jewish
Holocaust exists in the world and we should organize a front of the
nations that survived in the genocide.

Professor Alexander Manasian stated in his speech that by saying a
“genocide” we mean the massacres of the Turkish Armenians, while “in
1918, Turkey carried out another genocide out of its borders, in Baku,
the so-called “white genocide” that continued till the 90s.” Manasian
emphasized that “the idea of the Azerbaijani Armenians doesn’t exist in
our political conscience.” He added that the Genocide of the Armenians
continued till 80-90-ies, meaning the massacres in Baku and Sumgait.

Youri Aleksanian, a biologist, expressed concern that after the Turkish
Mskhets return to Javakhk “the Armenian state will be surrounded
by the Turkish circle.” He suggested to send an open letter to the
Turkish intelligentsia, the Turkish people and the state, requesting
“why they take the burden of a genocide on their shoulders.” “Why
the Turks took the burden of the Young Turks?” Aleksanian asked and
emphasized that “we should be neighbors with the Turks.” Aleksanian
made another observation asking: “Could we ask them to give us an
outlet to the Black Sea?”

Stepan Stepanian, political expert, said that we should enter a new
stage of annihilating the consequences of the genocide. He said that
even if Turkey recognizes and condemns the genocide we will have no
positive results and reminded that as a result of the massacres the
Armenians lost the greater part of their motherland.

Other historians also held speeches during the round table. Generally,
it was hard to understand what our historians wanted to say. There
was no coordinated approach during the discussions.

Today begins “Ultimate Crime, Ultimate Challenge, Genocide and
Human Rights” international scientific conference dedicated to 90th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. World known historians, human
rights protectors, statesmen and political figures will make speeches
at this conference.

Karapetian Hovik:
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