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Acknowledgement of Armenian Genocide honors Poland


Pan Armenian News
20.04.2005 08:06

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide honors
Poland, Archimandrite of Krakow Monastery Tadeush Isahakian-Zalezski
told PanARMENIAN.Net correspondent. The Polish Sejm has acknowledged
the Armenian Genocide in spite of the claims of the Turkish Embassy
in Poland and the letter of Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland Jan
Truschchinski written last year and urging not to convey a public
response to the establishment of a khachkar (cross-stone) in Krakow,
as well as the scandalous behavior of some Polish politicians. In the
words of Tadeush Isahakian-Zalezski, the day of acknowledgement of
the Armenian Genocide by the Polish Sejm is a great day for Armenians
of Poland, as well as all those, who reserve themselves the right to
come to know the real truth.

Jidarian Alex:
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