Categories: News

Application Deadlines for Travel Fellowships to Armenia Approaching

Contact: Linda Yepoyan
April 19, 2005
Phone: 610-642-6633


Following its inaugural success in 2004, Birthright Armenia is
currently ramping up for another summer filled with educational
activities in Armenia for diasporan youth worldwide. Birthright
Armenia is planning a very rich and exciting summer calendar of
support services for the eligible volunteers it will be sponsoring.
This sponsorship is available to any young diasporan, 18-32 years old,
who is traveling to Armenia with one of 24 different youth-oriented
programs, and is willing to meet a minimum threshold of an eight-week

Birthright’s sponsorship includes weekly forums and excursions,
Armenian language instruction and united “havak” sessions at no cost
to participants, plus reimbursement of each volunteer’s roundtrip
airfare to Armenia, all in exchange for an eight week commitment of
community service in the Homeland.

>>From day one, Birthright Armenia’s goal was not only to support
existing organizations offering youth programs in Armenia, but also
to encourage the creation of new programs, in order to increase
the numbers of youth experiencing the Homeland for work and study
opportunities. Already from the original seven programs that were part
of the inaugural year of Birthright Armenia, the number of programs
has grown to 24.

“We generated a lot of publicity this past winter for all the
youth-oriented programs currently available in Armenia, and raised
young people’s consciousness in terms of better understanding the
importance and timeliness of their active involvement in the Homeland,”
says Linda Yepoyan, executive director of Birthright Armenia. “We’ve
already received applications from diasporan youth in Australia,
Canada, England, France and the U.S., who want to be a part of the
movement to Armenia this summer,” she added.

A list of all organizations offering youth oriented programs in Armenia
is available at Each
organization has its own eligibility criteria, application procedures
and deadlines, and associated costs, all of which are listed in
summary form on the Birthright Armenia site. Once accepted into one
of the programs on the list, volunteers can then apply to Birthright
Armenia to become eligible for a travel fellowship, which constitutes
a reimbursement of their roundtrip airfare once they have successfully
completed their program.

For anyone interested in applying for a travel fellowship from
Birthright Armenia, applications must be received by the May 15,
2005 deadline. Applications are currently being accepted by email,
fax or by mail.

All students who are applying to the California State University
Fresno (CSUF) study abroad program at Yerevan State University
are also eligible for travel fellowships from Birthright Armenia.
For this maiden program, scheduled to launch in September, there is
a deadline for applications of June 1, 2005.

For those interested in learning more about Birthright Armenia, please
visit or email: info@birthrightarmenia.org.

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Nahapetian Samvel:
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