BAKU: Pakistani admiral pledges support to Azerbaijan in Karabakhset

Pakistani admiral pledges support to Azerbaijan in Karabakh settlement

Trend news agency
19 Apr 05

Baku, 19 April, Trend correspondent Y. Aliyev: Pakistan offers support
in defending Azerbaijan from any aggression, Rear Admiral Nashat Raffi,
the director-general of Training at the Joint Services Headquarters
of the Pakistani Armed Forces, has said at a meeting with Azerbaijani
Defence Minister Safar Abiyev.

“We know well what it means to lose 20 per cent of territory. On this
issue we back the stance of Azerbaijan. Therefore, Azerbaijan has
to act only as a stronger country. We are ready to expand defence
cooperation with Azerbaijan and render it any aid,” Raffi said.

Abiyev said that defence cooperation between Azerbaijan and Pakistan is
developing steadily. He thanked the Pakistani leadership for creating
an opportunity for Azerbaijani servicemen to receive education in the
military schools of Pakistan. “We intend to expand this cooperation,”
the minister said.

Speaking about the Karabakh conflict, Abiyev said that a stronger
Azerbaijani economy makes real the liberation of its lands from
Armenian occupiers.