From Now On To Parliamentry Elections


| 15:50:40 | 20-04-2005 | Politics |

>>From now on there is another party in Armenia which will start
working to take part in the Parliamentary elections. The aim of the
political power is to create a fraction «Democracy and Labor Party»
in the Parliament with a number of delegates.

Organizing a meeting today the party «Democracy and Labor»
was celebrating the first anniversary of its formation. The
represenatitives of the party who are led by the motoes «Place
for medium business» and «Small and medium businessmen, unite»,
criticised today both the authorities and the opposition for the fact
that the nation has been disapponted by them.

Naturally, the coalition was criticised most of all. Its members,
according to Spartak Meliqyan, head of the Party, «without having
program of economical development and having different principles
are engaged only in having attaining power».

The members of the party are convinced that the poeple are no more
tolerant and a single impetus is enough to set a fire. «Today
there exists no National Ambassy, the poeple there are busy only
with the solution of parsonal or party problems, the the laws are
adopted proceeding from the profits of the parties», says Spartak
Meliqyan. However, he is sure that abrupt changes of authorities will
be devastating for Armenia.

For the changes to occur we must pass the Constitutional way, the party
members think. In order to pass this way the party adopted two calls;
one to the NA, the other to the political parties.

The call to the NA consisted of two points. The first referred to the
Constitutional amendments, «The RA Main Law ~V the Constitution must
not be the monopoly of a sinlge political power or even several ones;
it must express the will of the nation, their rights, and it must
become the guarantee of the society».

The party also had demands concerning the Electoral Code, «Reconsider
and change the 35th article of the RA Electoral Code, according to
which the electoral committes must be formed by the representatives
of the participant parties of the NA elections. Only this will be
the guarantee of free and transparent elections».

As for the RA political powers, the party mainly calls them «to have
pro-state policy and prefer the profit of the state to their own».
