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Bush will not recognize Armenian Genocide this year, US Political…


Pan Armenian News
22.04.2005 02:59

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Despite the pressure exerted by the Armenian lobby,
the Bush Administration will not acknowledge the Armenian Genocide,
Turkish press writes according to some US political correspondents. The
Armenian Diaspora of the US has addressed countless numbers of
letters to the White House with a call to recognize the Armenian
Genocide. At the same time 32 Senators and 175 members of the House of
Representatives sent a joint letter to President Bush with an appeal
to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide in his commemoration message on
April 24. It should be noted that wife of US Ex-President Hillary
Clinton and democrat John Kerry are among those to have signed the
letter. Campaigns of the kind are launched every year and as compared
to last year the number of the signatories has increased. Armenian
lobbyists stated that George Bush is late with acknowledging the
Genocide, since he hasn~Rt kept his promise since his first election
campaign. As representatives of the Armenian Diaspora note, the
American-Turkish relations have considerably grown cool recently while
the number of radical forces protesting against the White House policy
has increased in Turkey, thus creating a favorable atmosphere for the
Genocide recognition. However political correspondents in Washington
state that despite the chill in the American-Turkish relations and
the fact that the letter to the President was signed by influential
Senators, the White House will not make steps against Turkey and will
not come to decision to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. In their
opinion, the message to the Armenian people this year will not be
different from those of the recent years, since despite some tension
in relations the US still needs Turkey and the White House will not
risk these relations for the sake of Armenians. Turkish officials
also stated of the inadmissibility of the Genocide recognition by the
Bush Administration. Official Ankara stated that before taking such
a step the White House should weigh all the arguments.

Nalchajian Markos:
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