Independent, democratic and strong Armenian and NKR….

Independent, democratic and strong Armenian and NKR….

Pan Armenian News
21.04.2005 04:02

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ “The brutal murder by an Azeri serviceman of his
Armenian colleague in Budapest that shook the whole of the civilized
world, was just the result of the Baku criminal policy,” Nagorno
Karabakh Republic President Arkady Ghukasian stated when addressing
Ultimate Crime, Ultimate Challenge: Human Rights and Genocide
international conference. The statement of the NKR President notes,
“The response to this outrageous crime of the Azeri society, which
took the murderer as a national hero, demonstrated the grievous fruits
of the Armenian-hatred policy of the Baku authorities. That is why
until people directly responsible for organizing mass slaughter of
ethnic Armenians in their republic as well as in Nagorno Karabakh
hold power in Azerbaijan, it will be difficult to believe that a
mutually acceptable and civilized settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, subsequent peaceful coexistence and mutually favorable
cooperation of our peoples and states are possible. Where is the
way out? Which lesson we have learned from the tragic events taken
place 90 years ago and the relatively near past? How can we resist to
criminal intentions of our neighbors in the future and not admit the
repetition of the past? Unfortunately the contemporary practice of
international relations has not worked out efficient mechanisms for
preventing or at least operative suppression of mass annihilation
of people based on the national, racial or religious criteria. The
national liberation movement of the people of Artsakh has illustrated
that the most efficient way to counteract genocide threats is not
endlessly appealing to international institutions and expecting
their intervention, but the self-organization of the society, ready
to armed resistance to defend the right to live on the earth granted
to him by God. The highest form of self-organization of the Artsakh
people was the Karabakh statehood, which succeeded in fulfilling
the vital task of neutralization of external military threats to the
security of the Nagorno Karabakh people with the assistance of the
Armenians of the world. Independent, democratic and strong Armenia,
the independent, democratic and strong Nagorno Karabakh Republic –
these are the guarantors of the security of our nation.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress