ANKARA: Another Vandalism against Turkish Flag in Athens: ArmeniansF

Another Vandalism against Turkish Flag in Athens: Armenians Fire Turkish Flag

Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
April 22 2005

JTW – Armenians in Greece fired Turkish flag in commemoration of
the 1915 Events. Armenians met in front of the Turkish Embassy and
protested Turkey. Armenians consider 1915 Relocation Campaign as a

Armenian attack against the Turkish flag is not the fist and single
‘insult’ against Turkish flag. A group of Turkish officers visiting
an Athens military academy last week as part of confidence-building
measures between the two countries found a vandalized Turkish flag,
inscribed with hostile slogans, in their room.

The Greek officers wrote slogans including “Constantinopolis is
Greek! “, “Cyprus is ours forever!”, “Barbar Turks!”, “Viva EOKA!” on
Turkish flag.

The incident coincided with a visit to Ankara by Greek Foreign Minister
Petros Molyviatis, during which the two sides announced further steps
to bring their armies closer. Chief of the Turkish General Staff Hilmi
Ozkok announced a demand for an official Greek apology for the attack
against the Turkish flag.

JTW 22 April 2005