ANKARA: Armenian power show at the US Congress

April 21 2005

Armenian power show at the US Congress

The so-called Armenian genocide commemoration drew many Armenian
representatives from all over the country.

April 21- The Armenian lobby in America has finalised the motion on
the so-called Armenian genocide and said that they expect President
George Bush to announce it on 24th April.

On the 90th anniversary of the alleged genocide, April 24, Ankara
expects that the word “genocide” would not be uttered in the US
congress but terms of similar meaning to be used.
In a meeting on Thursday, attended by more than 20
congressmen, the Democratic Party candidate for the 2003 presidential
elections, John Kerry, said that they would work hard to have
Washington recognise the Armenian genocide.
“President Bush should request Turkey to change its position,
since 1.5 million people were killed. This is a big genocide. We
shall take a lesson from history,” Kerry said.