Polish Speaker: Turkish documents prove the Genocide of Armenians

Pan Armenian News


22.04.2005 08:47

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Polish Sejm acknowledging the Armenian Genocide does
not imply anything anti-Turkish, Polish Parliament Speaker Vladimir
Timoshevich stated. In his words, it becomes harder and harder for Turkey to
put off with the historical reality. When commenting on the fact of the
Turkish authorities having sent a letter to the Polish Parliament, censuring
the acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide, Timoshevich noted, «Turkish
authorities do not wish to account for their own discrimination against the
Armenians.» «As of the question whether there was a genocide or not and
whether Turkey is guilty – there is no doubt and Turkish documents confirm
it,» Timoshevich underscored. «I understand it is psychologically hard for
Turks, moreover that the events took place 90 years ago,» Timoshevich noted.
However, in his words, such a response by Turkey is «incorrect and I do not
accept such criticism.» Simultaneously he noted that it is not in interests
of both Turkey and Poland not to drive the matter to discord over the
historical issue. «There is no sense in it,» the Speaker noted. «The Turkish
Foreign Ministry has done what it considered necessary on its part, however
I hope that in a few days the problem will not be available any more,» he