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Russian Senator: Turkey Position on Armenian Genocide False Cynicism


MOSCOW, APRIL 22. ARMINFO. <To avoid recognition of the Genocide
fact, Turkey tries to persuade the international community that only
“excesses” took place in connection with the military situation. It
is a false cynicism that makes one to doubt that the Turkish state
aspiring to become a member of the European family has reached
relevant standards.> The member of the Council of Federation of the
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Russian
party of self-government Levon Chakhmakhchyan writes in his article
in the newspaper “Nezavisimaya Gazeta.”

Meanwhile, the author writes that even several Turkish figures were
ashamed of the acts of their compatriots yet at the beginning of the
20th century. Thus General Sheriff-pasha, who became an exile for his
views, published an open letter in the Swiss “Journal de Geneve”
wherein he stated “If there is any nation that have given more
services to Turkey due to its state figures and talented officials
owing to their mental faculties in all the spheres it is the Armenian
nation. There is no educated Turk who would not sign the statement of
my friend, the deputy of the English parliament Lynch saying that
Armenians have exclusive abilities to bear new civilization; our
highest ideals have become closer to them:

At the same time, Chakhmakhchyan writes that lack of desire to study
and lear the lessons of the history have brought to numerous bloody
dramas of the 20th century, to dozens of millions of victims. That is
why recognition of the fact of the Armenian Genocide of 1915 is
necessary to those alive and not to the death. Those are not
indifferent to human fates are well aware of this. In 1987 the fact
of the Genocide was condemned by the European parliament, similar
resolutions were adopted by the State Duma of Russia, parliaments of
many European states, a number of American States: And Turkey’s
denial of the fact of the Armenian genocide recognized by the
international community and given relevant international and legal
assessment is not only cynic but also has no prospects from the
political point of view. The current and the future authorities of
Ankara will have to agree with the decisions and recommendations of
the international community concerning the public recognition of
Genocide and responsibility for it already in the visual future.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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