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ANKARA: Another Example Of Brutality Of The Armenians Against Turks

Turkish Press
April 26 2005

Another Example Of Brutality Of The Armenians Against Turks…

ERZURUM – ”The Armenians, who are accusing Turks of massacre and
trying to convince the world with their lies, treated inhumanly
Turkish captives during the World War I and burnt most of these
captives to death”, Associate Professor Cemil Kutlu of History
Department of Ataturk University, said on Tuesday.

Kutlu said, ”behaviors of the Armenians towards Turkish captives are
embarrassing for humanity. Foreign sources include information about
brutality (of the Armenians) against Turkish captives.”

Recalling the report of Russian colonel Cologriof who visited the
captive camps in Caucasus in the winter of 1918 on behalf of the
Danish Red Cross, Kutlu said, ”this report said that Armenian
soldiers killed Turkish captives just for fun, and they carried out
mass torture most of the times.”

On the other hand, touching on confessions of an Armenian officer,
Kutlu said, ”this officer said: We took about 3,000 Turkish captives
with us after the Russians withdrew. Most of them were burnt to
death. This brutality made me sick, but I could not find the
opportunity to oppose to what was being done.”

Varosian Antranik:
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