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BAKU: PACE not to discuss issues regarding Azerbaijan in April sess.

Azerbaijan News Service
April 26 2005

2005-04-26 20:06

Armenian parliamentarians tried to bring so-called genocide issue
into the discussions of the meeting of PACE. Armenian delegation to
PACE even attempted to organize exhibition devoted to the victims of
the so-called genocide and to commemorate them with a minute of
silence on the first day of the session. But the presidium of the
session rejected them after strong objections of Turkish and
Azerbaijani delegations. Discussions on the reforms of constitution
of Armenian were to be held in the session. According to Rafael
Huseynov, Azerbaijani parliamentarian to PACE no issue regarding
Azerbaijan will be discussed in the April session unlike Armenia.
Meanwhile two documents of Azerbaijani delegation were accepted on
the first day of the settings. The first is called `Impact of Armenia
on gene pool of Azerbaijani nation’. It is shown in the document that
Armenia pursued genocide and deportation policy against Azerbaijani
nation throughout 20th century. Geographical names of Azerbaijan were
changed graves destroyed, historical-cultural legacy was plundered.
This policy entered a new stage at the end of the century. Official
Yerevan occupied territories of Azerbaijan massacred and deported
great number of its citizens by the support of Armenian lobby. The
second document is about Armenians’ intention to continue its
aggression towards Azerbaijan in military waysaid Rafael Huseynov.

Nalchajian Markos:
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