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OSCE monitors Azeri-Armenian contact line

OSCE monitors Azeri-Armenian contact line

27 Apr 05


The OSCE held regular monitoring on the contact line between the
Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces in the Tavush (Armenia)-Qazax
(Azerbaijan) sector yesterday, the press secretary of the Armenian
Defence Ministry, Col Seyran Shakhsuvaryan, has told Arminfo new

The field assistants to the personal representative of the OSCE
chairman-in-office, Imre Palatinus (Hungary), Olexandr Samarski
(Ukraine) and Piter Key (Britain), took part in the monitoring on the
Armenian side.

According to the source, radio monitoring, during which OSCE means of
communications were used to establish contact with OSCE
representatives taking part in the monitoring on the Azerbaijani side,
was held at the beginning. As a result of this, the commanders of the
two sides’ military units gave security guarantees to the participants
in the monitoring.

The monitoring was preceded by a short briefing in which the governor
of Tavush Region, Armen Gularyan, noted frequent attacks on the
Idzhevan-Noyemberyan road from the Azerbaijani side.

Asked by Palatinus about the reasons for this, the governor said that
either the Azerbaijani side is not capable of controlling its own
armed forces or this is the result of belligerent statements made by
the Azerbaijani authorities.

Jagharian Tania:
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