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Script and commandment


| 14:53:59 | 27-04-2005 | Social |


By the blessing of the Catholicos of all Armenians Garegin II the Holy
Echmiadzin in cooperation with the RA Education and Science Ministry
realizes the program «Script and Commandment» dedicated to the 1600th
anniversary of the Armenian scripts.

According to the program, from April 20 till May 6 pupils of the 9-10th
grades of Yerevan and regional schools will visit the Holy Echmiadzin and
they will have the possibility to see the Golden «Armenian Alphabet» kept on
the Echmiadzin museum, to see the gobelens «Armenian Alphabet» and
«Vardananq», as well as to be in other museums of Echmiadzin.

Pupils from Ararat, Aragatsotn, Armavir, and Kotayq regions (80 pupils from
each region) and about 200 pupils from Yerevan have already been to

In connection with the pilgrimage of the pupils with the blessing of the
Catholicos off all Armenians Echmiadzin has published a booklet titled
«Script and Commandment» which is distributed to the pupils.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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