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Karabakh peace process should not be permanent

Pan Armenian News


28.04.2005 06:10

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `I do not admit even for a minute that David Atkinson
report on Nagorno Karabakh can anyhow serve as basis for applying force,’
stated the Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis. `If any of the
parties launches hostilities in the Karabakh conflict zone, the Council of
Ministers will instantly respond to it and will undertake preventive
measures without a PACE decision,’ Terry Davis said. The CoE Sec. Gen.
reminded that the OSCE Minsk Group holds the mediator mandate in the
conflict settlement. `The CoE does not try to replace the OSCE MG and the
work of the Co-Chairs, we try to support and assist the Ambassadors to solve
the problem,’ he noted. In his words, the mediators make many efforts to
reconcile the parties to conflict. `The Karabakh settlement should not be
permanent, the solution of the problem is both in the interests of Armenia
and Azerbaijan,’ the CoE Sec. Gen. underscored, reported Arminfo.

Kamalian Hagop:
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