Statement of Emil Lahud

AZG Armenian Daily #077, 29/04/2005

Armenian Genocide


General Emil Lahud, President of Lebanon, made the following statement on
the occasion of the commemoration of 90th anniversary of the Armenian
Genocide. The statement was provided by Jebrail Jaara, ambassador of Lebanon
to Armenia.

“Nobody can forget the call of the innocent. Their shed blood should be a
lesson for all of us and we should do everything, both the authorities and
common citizens, to avert such crimes to be committed in the world again,”
Mr. president said.

“Today, all the members and the communities of the Lebanese people express
their support to their Armenian fellow-citizens and to all the Armenian
people. They again confirm that the recognition and the respect for others’
rights are the bases for good international relations,” General Emil Lahud

“Lebanon that suffered from violation of its rights for a long time and the
law couldn’t overcome that situation without uniting its people. The
horrible genocide will be a great historical lesson for us. That will help
us remain united and concentrate our forces on building a society based on
humanity, tolerance, peace and respect for rights,” Lebanese president said.