Andranik Margaryan expected in Belarus


| 13:28:40 | 29-04-2005 | Official |


On the invitation of Belarus Prime Minister Sergey Sidorski, the delegation
with RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan at the head will leave for Belarus
on official visit on May 2-4.

Within the frames of the official visit the RA Prime Minister will meet
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenka, Prime Minister Sergey Sidorski, as
well as will visit the productive union `MAZ’ and the factory `BELAZ’. The
head of the Armenian Government will take part in the Armenian-Belarus
business conference in the CIS executive committee building, and in the
opening of the exhibition of the Armenian products.

Within the frames of the visit Days of Armenian TV will be organized in
Belarus. Andranik Margaryan will visit the Victory square, the monument
`Khatin’, and will meet the representatives of the Armenian community.

During the visit several documents are to be signed.