Tens of thousands attend Sabbath of Light ritual in East Jerusalem

Deutsche Presse-Agentur
April 30, 2005, Saturday
14:14:46 Central European Time

Tens of thousands attend Sabbath of Light ritual in East Jerusalem

East Jerusalem

Tens of thousands of Eastern Orthodox pilgrims flocked Saturday to
the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in East Jerusalem to attend the
Sabbath of Light ceremony, during which Israeli police had to
separate arguing Greek Orthodox and Armenian clergy.

Despite the argument – over the protocol of the ritual – the ceremony
ended without incident.

The ceremony was held in the shadow of tensions caused by allegations
that Greek Orthodox Patriarch Irineos I has leased Greek Orthodox
Church property in Jerusalem to Jews.

Protestors who had come to demonstrate against the Patriarch were
kept from the ceremony by police.

Israeli police had set up barricades along the routes leading to the
Church, in order, they said, to prevent overcrowding at the ceremony.

Tens of thousands of worshippers attended the ceremony inside the
church, where according to tradition Jesus Christ is buried.

The Sabbath of Fire ritual is led by Jerusalem’s Greek Orthodox and
Armenian Patriarchs, who descend into the underground grotto in the
church and emerge carrying the holy flame. dpa jab sc