BAKU: Aliyev receives delegation of municipalities of Turkey

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
May 2 2005

[May 02, 2005, 19:20:49]

On May 2, President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev has
received at the Presidential Palace the heads of municipalities of the
Turkish cities of Iskenderun, Payas, Ceyhan, Sarimazi, Mersin-Toroslar,
Lapseki and representatives of Azerbaijani structures functioning in
this country.

The head of Azerbaijani state, having noted that is glad for arrival
in Azerbaijan of representative delegation of the brotherly country,
has emphasized that their numerous meetings in Baku would be extremely
fruitful. Having ascertained the high level of relations between our
countries, President Ilham Aliyev has told: “The further strengthening
of brotherly and friendly relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan is
extremely important task for us. It is very glad that our traditional
links quickly develop”.

Having reminded about successful results of his last year’s official
visit to Turkey, the President of Azerbaijan has told: “We have opened
general consulate in the Kars province of Turkey. Our political,
economic, cultural relations go deep. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
pipeline, which unites us from the economic point of view even
more closely, this month, will be commissioned. Also the gas main
simultaneously is under construction. All this will represent, on
the one hand, great value for our economy, and on another, will even
more strengthen our positions in the world. Turkey and Azerbaijan
are enough dynamically developed countries. Our economy develops in
high rates, and the economic situation of our country improves. The
more we shall be stronger from the economic point of view, the more
our national interests will be provided.

Having noted at the same time, that there are forces, trying to prevent
interaction between Azerbaijan and Turkey, realization of grandiose
power projects and other questions, the head of the Azerbaijani state
has emphasized importance of the further strengthening of unity of
our peoples in occurring in this sense in region processes and close

Having reminded saying of the national leader of Azerbaijani people
Heydar Aliyev “We are one nation, two states”, President Ilham Aliyev
has noted that Turkey and Azerbaijan live and become stronger, being
guided just by this principle.

Having touched the question of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, the head of the Azerbaijani state said that as a result of
this aggression more than one million of Azerbaijanis, being expelled
from the native lands, live in hard conditions, and has told: “Despite
of it, Azerbaijan develops. In our country, in all branches reforms
are carried out, Azerbaijan every year becomes economically stronger”.

Along with the relations at the level of the states and the
governments, President Ilham Aliyev has emphasized value of ties
and reciprical visits at the level of cities, municipalities of
two countries.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Center in the German city of Mainz, member
of the Central Council of the Congress of Azerbaijanis of Europe,
the coordinator of Turkic communities Bashar Kemur, having thanked
to President Ilham Aliyev for the hospitality rendered to them,
has told: “We know you as the person who is putting into practice
precepts of your father. We very much love this country and you. I
want to convey to you gratitude of our compatriots living abroad,
for the close attention to them. We express gratitude to the State
Committee on Work with the Azerbaijanis Living Abroad, led by you
for the contribution to realization of all this work.

Mr. President, the national leader of Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev
has addressed us, saying: “In what country you live, you are citizens
of this country. But do not forget the culture, the traditions, and
the major – your language”. I want to inform you that all this is not
forgotten. Your father also has told: “It is necessary that you lead
up the questions connected to Azerbaijan, up to heads of the states,
politicians, intelligentsia of the countries, where you live, so that
also they knew us, helped us in solution of our problems”.

Bashar Kemur informed that he has been living in the German city
of Mainz for 25 years, and read out the letter of the head of the
government of the Reinland-Pfalz Province of Germany in which were
expressed respect and kind wishes to the President of Azerbaijan.

Chairman of municipality of Iskenderun Mete Aslan, having expressed
gratitude for warm reception, has told: “We have seen here, as the
great leader Heydar Aliyev has told, remarkable samples of concept
of the nation. We, the heads of municipalities, have declared that
always we are close to Azerbaijan, we support and we shall support
it. We once again state it before you. Besides, we have arrived to
support Azerbaijan in the Karabakh conflict.

Having noted creation under the initiative of the national leader of
Azerbaijan people of Heydar Aliyev the State Committee on Work with
the Azerbaijanis Living Abroad, President Ilham Aliyev has emphasized
that last years was done successful enough work directed on cohesion of
Azerbaijanis of the world, the further strengthening of their activity.

Then, chairman of the municipality of Ceyhan, Huseyn Sezlu said that
participation in this meeting is great honor for him, and conveyed to
the President of Azerbaijan cordial greetings from the inhabitants of
Ceyhan, the chairman of the National Movement Party of Turkey Devlat
Bakhchali and has told: “The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline is for
us also the oil pipeline of friendship. We count it some kind of means
of rapprochement with our brothers and with excitement we wait for its
opening. With support of President Ilham Aliyev we have carried out
in Ceyhan the actions devoted to 86th anniversary of the Azerbaijan
Democratic Republic. We were very glad to this. Created under Heydar
Aliyev, the State Committee on Work with the Azerbaijanis Living Abroad
simultaneously is the organization of all Turks. We are grateful for
all this to deceased Heydar Aliyev and you.

Then, Huseyn Sezlu, informing the Head of Azerbaijan state about
measures which will be taken in the municipality of Ceyhan in
connection with preparation for opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
MEP, has told: “In the city center, in Ceyhan, on the most
outstanding place, will be erected the monuments to Heydar Aliyev and
Ataturk. We want to carry out opening of these monuments on the day of
commissioning of the pipeline. The great son of the Turkic world Heydar
Aliyev will always live in heart of the Turkish Republic. We want
that the world has understood the reality of words “one nation, two
states”. These monuments will be made in Azerbaijan. Simultaneously,
in the most picturesque site of Ceyhan we shall create beautiful park
“The Turkic World”. We shall complete all this under protection of
Your Excellency.

President Ilham Aliyev highly has estimated the ideas, positively
assessed the initiative of carrying out of the stipulated actions on
day of the commissioning of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan MEP.

Members of the Turkish delegation have presented to the President of
Azerbaijan memorable gifts.

President Ilham Aliyev was photographed with the guests for memory.