US-Armenian commission discusses mutual economic programmes

US-Armenian commission discusses mutual economic programmes

Mediamax news agency
2 May 05

Yerevan, 2 May: A meeting of the US-Armenian intergovernmental
commission for economic cooperation (US-Armenian Task Force) has been
held in Yerevan.

During the meeting special attention was paid to programmes being
implemented by Armenia as part of the Millennium Challenge Account.

Mediamax quoted a representative of the Millennium Challenge
Corporation, Alex Russin, as telling the meeting that Armenia’s
programmes to the tune of 170m dollars were being brought into line
with the corporation’s requirements.

Alex Russin stopped short of putting the time frame of the possible
signing of an agreement with the Armenian government, noting that “a
lot still remains to be done and that it is premature to speak about
a specific date”. He said that so far the corporation had signed an
agreement with only one (Madagascar) of the 17 countries selected to
participate in the Millennium Challenges programme.

Armenian Finance and Economy Minister Vardan Khachatryan said the
meeting had also discussed the macroeconomic situation in Armenia,
the attraction of investment, the fight against terrorism, judicial
reforms, etc.