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AED organizes seminar for labor inspectorate employees



YEREVAN, MAY 5, ARMENPRESS: Four specialists of the Lithuanian state
labor inspectorate began yesterday a three-day training course for
20 employees of a recently established Armenian labor inspectorate
of the labor and social issues ministry. The projected is funded by
the USAID Armenia. Lithuanians are supposed to pass their country’s
80-year-long experience to Armenian counterparts.

The course is organized by the Academy for Educational Development
(AED), Armenia Office.

The trainees will be responsible to develop a sustainable
infrastructure of labor inspectorate, which will fulfill the functions
of supervision and monitoring of the implementation of employment,
health and safety laws, as well as the functions of management,
administration and organizational development of the inspectorate

Participants of the training session will upgrade their overall
insight and approaches on supervision/management technologies and
monitoring/evaluation methodologies of the Labor Inspectorate;

to define the principles of effective implementation of State Labor
Inspection Law in the field of employment legal relationships, labor
protection and technical supervision;

to clearly identify how to supervise, monitor and research compliance
with ‘normative’ acts relating to industrial relations, health and
safety and the technical supervision of dangerous equipment;

to control how employers and employees mutually fulfill the obligations
determined by employment contracts and collective agreements;

to identify the ways of facilitating the cooperation between employers
and employees;

to evaluate, discuss and compare the practical experience of colleagues
from other countries and explore the possibility of adoption of
that experience in Armenia; To identify principles of management,
organization structure, performance evaluation, etc. that will be
used to run the inspectorate.

Mindaugas Pluktas, the head of Lithuanian labor inspectorate, said
what they will teach here is not for mandatory application in Armenia,
as every country has its own peculiarities, but added that the course
will help future organization of labor.

The Armenian labor inspectorate was established in 2004 by a government
decision, the law on labor inspectorate was passed in 2005 April. With
a central office in Yerevan, it has ten regional offices with an
overall 149 staff.

Within three years since the enforcement of the law employers across
the country have to make their labor conditions conform with the
requirements of the Labor Code. The main function of the inspectorate
is to supervise these conditions. The inspectorate will organizes a
series of seminars for employers to help them.

Under the law on administrative offences employers who fail to meet
these demands will be subject to fines and penalties.

Vardapetian Ophelia:
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