ANKARA: MHP’s Bahceli warns government on Ocalan retrial

MHP’s Bahceli warns government on Ocalan retrial

Thursday, May 5, 2005


The possibility of PKK leader Ocalan’s retrial will cause upheaval
in Turkey, says the leader of the MHP

ANKARA – Turkish Daily News

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bah§eli said
on Wednesday that if the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party
(PKK/Kongra-Gel), Abdullah Ocalan, is to be retired, it would cause
a public outcry, adding that the domestic supporters of terrorism
would try to incite ethnic provocation.

Speaking at MHP headquarters, Bahceli accused the government of
creating false crises in order to hide the truth.

He said it appeared the European Court of Human Rights would call for
Ocalan’s retrial, adding: “The retrial of this murderer will explode
like a bomb. The government needs to announce that itwon’t permit
this murderer to initiate a provocativecampaign under the guise of a
retrial. If not, Turkey will enter a serious period of tension. The
heavy cost of this burden will fall on the Justice and Development
Party (AKP) government.”

“The traitors who are trying to set up traps will fail to provoke
Turkish nationalists. No force will be able to cause nationalists
to flood the streets. We will not permit the children of the country
to arm themselves. Our fight against those who are trying to envelop
Turkey in flames will be carried out on democratic platforms.”

EU siege caused Armenian issue:

Bahceli said the recent Armenian problems were caused by the pressure
applied toTurkey by the European Union, adding that they were worried
about Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s public dialogue with the
Armenian president.

He said the trap Turkey was being pushed into would start causing more
trouble in the future and that separatists, who were becoming bolder,
would cause serious tension.
