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Armenian National Committee of Aust. Condemns Vandalism of ArmenianG

Armenian National Committee of Australia Inc.
The Peak Public Affairs Committee of the Armenian-Australian Community
259 Penshurst Street, P.O. Box 768, Willoughby NSW 2068
Tel: (02) 9419 8264 Fax: (02) 9411 8898
Email: info@anc.net.au Web: <;

4 May 2005

MEDIA RELEASE: For Immediate Release

Contact: Khajaque Kortian 0418 499413

Armenian National Committee of Aust. Condemns

Vandalism of Armenian Genocide Plaque

The Armenian National Committee of Australia joins the
Armenian-Australian Community in condemning the deliberate removal
by vandals of the Commemorative plaque in Meadowbank Memorial Park
marking the 90th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

The plaque was dedicated on 24 April 2005, on the 90th Anniversary
of the Armenian Genocide, during a solemn ceremony presided by
Archbishop Aghan Baliozian, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church
of Australia and New Zealand together the Mayor and Councillors of
Ryde City Council, and the State Member for Ryde, Hon. John Watkins,
as well as hundreds of members of the Armenian-Australian Community.

Two weeks earlier, Ryde City Council unanimously passed a resolution
recognising and condemning the Armenian Genocide, as well as condemning
all attempts to deny it.

“This criminal act of vandalism is a shameless example of the extent
to which certain denialist of the Armenian Genocide will go to
eradicate the memory of the 1.5 million men, women and children who
fell victim to the first genocide of the 20th Century. Such people
forget, however, that they live in a democracy where public officials
will not be intimidated or deterred by such criminal behaviour” said
Armenian National Committee of Australia President Dr Tro Kortian.
He added “We are confident that the law enforcement authorities will
bring these criminals to justice”.

The New South Wales Government also today condemned this crime, Jusice
Minister Hatzistergos calling it a “disgraceful and cowardly act”.

It has been said that the truth is the final victim of genocide.
The Ryde City Council and the New South Wales Parliament (which in 1997
also unanimously passed a resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide
and all attempts to deny it) have added their unequivocal voice to the
growing international call that the memory of the Armenian Genocide
must never be allowed to be erased so that another Hiltler will
never dare to again utter the words “After all who today remembers
the extermination of the Armenians”.


Tamamian Anna:
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