ANKARA: Erdogan Says Tendency Of Inwardness In Europe Is Detrimental

Erdogan Says Tendency Of Inwardness In Europe Is Detrimental

Turkish Press
May 7 2005

ISTANBUL (AA) – Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday
that the tendency of inwardness in Europe was very detrimental,
adding that this could harm the long-term EU perspective.

Erdogan met with Czech President Vaclav Klaus, Dutch Deputy Foreign
Minister and Finance Minister Gerrit Zalm and IMF first managing
director Anne Krueger in Istanbul the same day.

Prime Ministry high ranking officials said that in Erdogan-Klaus
meeting, Klaus said Czech Republic was the country which supported
Turkey’s EU bid the most. Klaus stressed that he favored EU enlargement
and Turkey was the most important candidate of such an enlargement.

Regarding Armenian claims, Klaus said that there was a general lack
of information and ignorance in the world about Armenian issue.

Issues of Cyprus, Iraq, and developments in Afghanistan were also
taken up in Erdogan-Klaus meeting.

In Erdogan’s meeting with Zalm, the two leaders exchanged views
about Turkey’s economic situation, Cyprus and Armenia. Erdogan said
in the meeting that the Netherlands was an important trade partner
of Turkey, and Turkey expected support from the Netherlands about
foreign investments.

Zalm said in his part that he envied the reforms undertaken by Turkey.

Regarding Cyprus, Erdogan said that “Turkey did the necessary things
about Cyprus issue, and there is nothing left for Turkey to do about
extension of Ankara Agreement’s additional protocol. Now we expect
a letter from EU Commission.”

In Erdogan-Krueger meeting, Erdogan said that the economic reforms
were successfully implemented in Turkey.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress