Stockholm Demonstration

The 24 April committee for commemoration of 90 years memory of the
Union of Armenian Associations in Sweden
Box 25 106,
75025 Uppsala, Sweden
Contact: Mimi Mirzakhanian
[email protected]
Tel. +46 704 412 412
Web: <;

23 April 2005 Stockholm


Early Saturday morning of April 23 at `Medborgarplatsen’ – The Citizen

Square in central Stockholm young people and functionaries from the
April 24:th Committee for Commemoration of the Armenian genocide 1915
were busy preparing for the manifestation for honoring the victims of
the genocide.

A miniature of the Tsitsernakaberd monument was placed on the square,
surrounded by 90 candles symbolizing the number of years that had
passed since the genocide. The Armenian and Swedish flags flapped
together in the wind. The air was chilly and windy. A young man had
problems lighting the candles, the wind put out the candles at the
same speed they were lighted. The man continued without taking notice
of this.

The spiritual Armenian music with its sorrow tunes could be heard from
distance. People, from near and far, from all over Sweden were
gathering, all with resolute wish to be here, April 24th 2005, to
commemorate the family members and relatives – the victims of the
first genocide in modern time. Everybody having one aim – to show the
world that this crime against the Armenian people and humanity was not
forgotten and that it would never be forgotten.

People passing by were wondering about the manifestation and showed a
genuine interest and understanding. Many of them stayed and took part
in the manifestation. The crowed grew continuously, hundreds of
Armenians and Swedes commemorating the victims.

The posters and the banderoles had a clear message; the message that
the Armenians demanded a worldwide recognition of the Armenian
genocide and that EU should press Turkey to recognize the genocide,
apologize for their crime and the suffering they had caused the
Armenian nation and people, setting the recognition as a precondition
for entering the EU.

The manifestation went on for four hours with speeches by
distinguished Swedish writers and politicians, music and prayer for
the victims. The young man continued to light the candles and the wind
put them out.

The author of newly published book, The Year of The Sword, Mr. Bertil
Bengtsson had a speech where he reminded of another speech held 1917
at the very same Citizen Square by Hjalmar Branting, Swedish Prime
Minister some time later, at a manifestation for the Armenian people
and condemnation of what the Turks were doing with the Armenians. In
front of tens of thousands the word `folkmord’ was used for the first
time in the Swedish language. `Folkmord’ is, if translated precisely,
murder of a people – the same meaning as the word genocide that where
to be used some thirty years later.

Mats Einarsson from the leftwing party `Vänsterpartiet and member of
the Swedish parliament where talking about the collective
consciousness end the traumatic consequences a genocide has on the
survivals, in general and the Armenians and others Christians that
where victims of the genocide of 1915 specifically. He emphasized the
need of recognition of the genocide from Turkey as a prerequisite for
a reconciliation and normal relation and common future between the
both sides. He assured his support to get there.

Mr. Charlie Weimers, nominated chairman for `KDU’- the youth
organization for the Swedish Christ Democrats party, emphasized the
just demands the Armenians had. He gave his full support for the
Armenians and their demands and assured his and his party’s support in
the Armenians struggle to have Turkey recognizing the genocide.

The chairman of the Union of Armenian Associations in Sweden (UAAS),
Garo Hakopian, had a speech on the political developments in this area
and the importance and consequence of the Armenian demand of
recognition of the genocide. He also informed that Poland, as number 9
of the EU member states, had also recognized the Armenian genocide

Father Norayr Gandjumian prayed for the victims of the genocide. The
manifestation was over but the crowd stayed for a while, admiring the
ninety lighted candles and thinking of their symbol and message.


Stockholm, 24 April 2005 – By buses, train and cars from several parts
of the country hundreds of Armenians and other interested persons
attended today the commemoration ceremony of the 90th anniversary of the
Armenian Genocide at Kista Church and ABF Center, in Stockholm.

The commemoration ceremony was organised by the April 24: th Committee
for Commemoration of the Armenian genocide 1915, a work committee
consist of several Armenian organisations in Sweden, Union of Armenian
Associations in Sweden (UAAS) as well as Armenian Apostolic and catholic
churches, The Armenian Association Ararat, Armenian Relief Society,
Young Armenians Organisation in Stockholm and Armenian Association CSS.

The Commemoration ceremony started early in the Sunday morning at the
Kista church in Stockholm, with annual divine services and prayer
devoted the Armenian innocent victims 1915.

After the ceremony at the Church a commemoration meeting took place in
the auditorium of ABF House in Central of Stockholm.

Beside the several hundreds of Armenians, who participated the
commemoration, there were Counsellors for Swedish and Catholic Churches,
members of Swedish Parliament, representatives for the Swedish public
and common services, representatives of `Living History ‘ as well
the Kurdish and Assyrian Federations members among the guests.

The cultural events of the program consist of spiritual Armenian music
performed by the Moscow Armenian Chamber Chorus of the Stat Philharmonic
Society who had two concerts during the day, as well as included
Armenian declamation, chorus of Young Armenians in Stockholm; piano and
duduk music dedicated The Armenian Genocide performed by local artists.
The Commemoration speech program opened by Mr.Garo Hakopian, the
chairman of UAAS (Union of Armenian Associations in Sweden) who
mentioned the need of an united and collective, purposeful and
longsighted campaign against the Turkish aggressive, denial policy on
the issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide and reconciliation. He
furthermore read the letter sent by Kurdish community in Sweden
expressing words of sympathy and solidarity with the Armenian People in
their struggle for Justice.

The second speaker, the British Ph.D. in History, David Gaunt, a
Professor with Södertorns University of Stockholm, who exposed in
details the circumstances under which the genocide became possible to
execute. He concluded his speech with the absolute necessity of pressure
applied by the international public opinion on the Turkish government in
order to achieve recognition.

Dr. Ashot Alexanian, the guest speaker of the day, Counsellor at the
Armenian Embassy in Vienna, who made his speech both in English and
Armenian, addressing the audience, he said in his message:
“On behalf of all principles and values of human rights, human dignity
and fundamental freedoms, for the defence of which Armenians have paid
heir own life, even more – losing their historical homeland, – like a
biting irony of history, nowadays Turkey wants to become a member of
western community, proclaiming and safeguarding the same values.

Armenia and Armenians worldwide cannot drop, forget or deny the Genocide
of 1915, perpetrated in the Ottoman Empire, against the residing in its
historical homeland. All Armenians – in Armenia and Diaspora – more or
less are engaged in the matter of genocide recognition by the world
Furthermore he demanded “Turkish recognition of Armenian Genocide has to
be involved in the basic document of the EU-New Neighbourhood
comprehensive program, as an indispensable precondition of
implementation of regional security, aiming at boosting cooperation
among the involved countries. The best example for this is the creation
of European Union and the historical experience of establishment of
after-war Europe.”

The Commemoration program concluded with prayer of the Armenian
reverend, father Sarkis Melkonian at 16:00 p.m.

The 24 April committee for commemoration of 90 years memory of the

Mimi Mirzakhanian
[email protected]
Tel. +46 704 412 412