ANKARA: Head of Parliament: Turkey will be an EU member in 10 years

The New Anatolian, Turkey
May 10 2005

Head of Turkish Parliament Arinc: Turkey will be an EU member in 10

The New Anatolian / Ankara

Parliament Speaker Bulent Arinc, in Australia on an official visit at
the invitation of the Australian Senate, met yesterday with
representatives of the Western Thrace Turkish Association on his
first stop, Melbourne.
Arinc asked Turks in Australia to integrate into the country and
learn the language and the laws of the land.

Arinc stated that Turkey has made a great many changes to its
Constitution and legislation in the course of the EU harmonization
period. He also declared that Turkey’s EU membership will be possible
eight to 10 years after the start of the accession negotiations.

‘Genocide’ decisions derail foreign visits

Asked about the so-called genocide claims of the Armenians, Arinc
denied said that such a thing ever happened. He explained that the
Armenians started killing Turks so the Ottoman administration decided
to make them emigrate which was when some of them died.

Arinc criticized the Parliaments of countries which have recently
recognized the so-called Armenian “genocide” and announced that was
why he cancelled his visits to Poland and Russia. “Turkey is staying
where it is and it’s becoming powerful; we feel sorry for those
who’ve acknowledged the claims,’ Arinc said. `We will not remain
silent on the issue, and we will find a solution to the problem.
We’re not guilty of such a crime. Those who committed the crime
should look at themselves. We’re innocent. The Turkish Parliament
will take the necessary steps.’

He referred to the European national parliaments that have enacted
laws against people who reject the “genocide” claims and added that
this is a huge obstacle to freedom of expression.

While dealing with requests from members of the association, Arinc
said that they represent Turkey in Australia, and that to become
integrated into Australian society they should learn the country’s
language, laws, customs, and traditions

Debate with Bumin

Asked about his debate with Constitutional Court Chief Justice
Mustafa Bumin, he emphasized that the legislative body represents
national sovereignty.

`If someone brings up the subject of the authority of the Parliament,
I will respond to them,’ Arinc said. `I have no intention of sharing
national sovereignty rights with anyone.’

He also said that defending the honor of the Parliament is the duty
of all of its members.

While in Australia, Arinc also visited the Jirrahlinga Koala and
Wildlife Sanctuary. Arinc and his wife Munevver were given a short
talk by founder Tehree Gordon and saw animals indigenous to Australia
such as wombats, wallabies, kangaroos, and koala bears. They named a
baby koala “Ayse.” At the end of the tour, Arinc gave Gordon a
special medal from the Turkish Parliament.

Visit to Turkish school

Arinc also visited Isik College and Victoria Provincial Parliament
during his trip. The school’s Principal Harun Yuksel gave Arinc and
his delegation a talk and a tour of the establishment.

He also went to the Provincial Parliament and met with the speaker,
the Hon. Judy Maddigan, and president of the Legislative Council, the
Hon. Monica Gould.

Arinc was accompanied by ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party
Edirne Deputy Ali Ayag and Yalova Deputy Sukru Onder, and main
opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) Mugla Deputy Cumhur Yaka.