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AACA Press Release

Armenian American Cultural Association, Inc.
1300 Crystal Drive, Suite 1504
Arlington, VA 22202
Contact: Rita Balian
Tel: (703) 416-2555
Fax: (703) 416-2557
E-mail: info@aacainc.org

The Miracle Children of Armenia: The Wellness Center’s Gift of Life

James Faris

Yerevan, Armenia – On March 22, the Armenian American Cultural Association’s
(AACA) humanitarian project in Armenia, the Armenian American Wellness
Center (previously known as the Mammography Center), was host to a very
special and unique event. Twenty mothers, along with their children, joined
with the Center’s Co-Founders, Rita Balian and Hranush Hakobian, and medical
staff members from the Center’s Gynecology Department for a heartwarming and
inspiring celebration of life.

These mothers had all struggled with infertility until they came to the
Wellness Center for assistance – some had been unsuccessfully trying to have
children for over ten years. They came to the Center after hearing about the
expertise and skill of the GYN Department and hoping that the Center’s
doctors might be able to do what other doctors at other medical facilities
had been unable to do. The result of the Center’s work was evident at the
March 22 celebration with the presence of twenty joyful mothers and their
twenty beautiful and healthy babies. Some of the babies were also
accompanied by their proud fathers (mostly physicians) and doting
grandmothers. It was announced at the event that there are five more mothers
now expecting babies as a result of the Center’s work with infertility.

In Armenia, infertility is prevalent in ten to thirty percent of all
couples. Unfortunately, it is not only a medical problem, but a serious
social one as well. When a married couple finds that they are unable to have
a baby, the problem is almost always perceived as the woman’s and very often
leads to divorce. This frequently means that men never consider themselves
to be part of the cause and never seek medical assistance to find a solution
to the problem. Therefore, what could easily be treatable cases of
infertility are never resolved because only women are examined and suggested

The GYN Department was established at the Wellness Center in 2001 with the
initial goal of providing annual Pap smears and basic gynecological services
for the prevention of cervical cancer in Armenian women. According to
Armenia’s Ministry of Health, cervical cancer (after breast cancer) is the
second leading cause of all cancer deaths among women in Armenia. However,
like many other cancers, cervical cancer is treatable with proper screening
and early detection. The western-standard gynecological methods utilized by
the Center, including state-of-the-art cytology services, were not available
in Armenia before its introduction at the Wellness Center.

In addition to the department’s work with cervical cancer prevention, basic
gynecological services, and its pioneering work with menopause counseling,
the Wellness Center also diagnoses and treats Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STI). STIs are quite prevalent in Armenia, as is the case in
most of the former Soviet republics. This is largely a result of a casual
attitude towards sexual relations and a general lack of education concerning
the reality of the causes and effects of STIs. Therefore, chronic
infections, which in many instances can lead to infertility in women, are
rarely treated properly among couples since men are never examined or
treated. To further support the Wellness Center’s doctors’ skills and
expertise, they are also able to access the internet to consult with the
Center’s US Medical Advisory Board and to research international medical
libraries to learn of and utilize the most up-to-date treatment options for
patients with various kinds of STIs.

As the capabilities of the Wellness Center’s GYN Department increased
through advanced training in the US and in Armenia and through the
procurement of modern equipment and supplies, more and more women began
coming to the Center’s doctors seeking infertility treatment as well as
other gynecological services. The GYN Department realized that they had the
capacity to make a difference in the lives of infertile couples, so they
began infertility treatment in addition to the other gynecological services

“The most gratifying and rewarding experience I encounter is assisting an
infertile couple to have the child that they have been struggling to have
for so long,” noted Dr. Lilit Hakobyan, GYN Department Head at the Wellness
Center. Dr. Hakobyan received her advanced training in gynecology at the
Baltimore Medical Center, affiliated with the Johns Hopkins University
Medical Center, under the guidance of Dr. Emma Zargarian, who is also a
member of the Wellness Center’s US Medical Advisory Board.

“The Center’s success in infertility cases is partly due to the GYN
Department’s examination and treatment of chronic infections for both women
and men,” continued Dr. Hakobyan. “Men are also examined with the Center’s
sperm analyzer, the only one in all of Armenia. For women, we utilize
several approaches; the most important of which is
hysterosalpingosonography, a diagnostic method that evaluates the patency of
fallopian tubes.”

“When we initially established the Armenian American Wellness Center in
1997, which was then known as the Armenian American Mammography University
Center, my ambition was to provide much-needed breast cancer screening to
the women of Armenia,” said Rita Balian, Founder of the Wellness Center and
AACA President and CEO. “I never could have envisioned that our mammography
project would grow to become what it is today. These twenty babies of the
Wellness Center, whom I call the “Miracle Children of Armenia” and whom I
consider children of my heart, are testament to the unwavering commitment of
many dedicated volunteers both in the US and Armenia, and the continued
generosity of Armenian American donors.”

Hranush Hakobian, Ph.D., Chair of the Armenian Parliament’s Committee on
Education, Science, Culture and Youth, and who is also a Co-Founder of the
Wellness Center said, “As a public servant of the Armenian people for over
fifteen years now, this is perhaps one of the most joyous moments that I
have witnessed. These special babies are not only precious to their mothers
and fathers, but to me and to all Armenians as we celebrate the arrival of
twenty more Armenian citizens; citizens who could become future leaders of
the Armenian nation.”

Jidarian Alex:
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