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Armenian opposition leader pledges “peaceful” government change

Armenian opposition leader pledges “peaceful” government change

A1+ web site
12 May 05

“We do not want a revolution, it is not our way, we will struggle to
change the authorities and follow a path to be chosen by our leader,”
the head of the Artashat branch of the People’s Party of Armenia
[PPA], Aramayis Barsegyan, said at party leader [MP Stepan]
Demirchyan’s meeting with members of the party.

Demirchyan confirmed that they intended to replace the authorities in
a peaceful manner. He said: “Of course, we will do everything as soon
as possible in order to implement these changes.” Asked about the
party’s plans to stage mass rallies, Demirchyan said: “This will

A member of the PPA’s political council, Ruben Gandilyan, expressed
his dissatisfaction with resent statements by some leaders of the
[opposition] Justice bloc member parties who criticized Demirchyan for
his indecision.

[Passage omitted: minor details]

Demirchyan informed the audience of the party’s programme. “We will
take part in the elections to local governments,” he said, adding that
“the authorities will once again rig the elections”.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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