BAKU: Armenia to vacate occupied Azeri areas “with proviso”,

Armenia to vacate occupied Azeri areas “with proviso”, diplomatic source says

Ekspress, Baku
13 May 05

Text of report by APA news agency in the Azerbaijani newspaper
Ekspress on 13 May headlined “Has Armenia agreed to vacate our seven

Armenia has agreed to gradually withdraw troops from Azerbaijani
territories it has occupied, APA has learnt from diplomatic sources.

The gradual withdrawal of the Armenian troops from the seven occupied
districts was discussed at a meeting in London between the Azerbaijani
and Armenian foreign ministers and the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen.
Azerbaijan submitted to the Minsk Group co-chairmen its proposed
changes to the plan. The co-chairmen discussed the proposals with
[Armenian Foreign Minister] Vardan Oskanyan.

The final draft of the plan which had been agreed with Armenia was
submitted to the Baku government later. The plan based on a 5+1+1
formula envisages initially the withdrawal of the Armenian troops from
five districts. These are Qubadli, Zangilan, Fuzuli, Cabrayil and
Agdam Districts. The sides will strike a peace deal after Azerbaijan
takes control over these territories. As soon as the accord is signed,
the Armenian armed forces will first vacate Kalbacar and then Lacin

The source said that at the insistence of Azerbaijan a point has been
included in the document which stipulates that “the signed document
will lose its force if the troops are not withdrawn according to
schedule”. The document which was agreed at the level of foreign
ministers will be discussed at a meeting between the Azerbaijani and
Armenian presidents in Warsaw on 15-16 May. Russia and Turkey have
already been informed of the plan drawn up by Armenia on the
withdrawal from the seven occupied districts.

Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov who visited Turkey
early this week has briefed Ankara on the 5+1+1 formula suggested by

The diplomatic source said that even though Armenia had agreed with
some proviso to Azerbaijan establishing control over the seven
districts, the Baku government wants the Armenian armed forces to
vacate its territories without any conditions and it is not completely
happy with the plan.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Armenian President
Robert Kocharyan will also discuss the withdrawal of the Armenian
troops from the seven districts in Warsaw on 15-16 May.

We failed to find out what the authorities think about the issue.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress